01 primavera 75x60cm
02 Utrecht 100x140cm
04 Munchen 130x80
06 Sun 100x140cm
07 walking in the city 100x75cm
08 Summer in the City 100x140cm
09 mediodia 120x180cm
10 amigos 100x100cm
12 sinfonia en violetas 100x150cm
13 Heidelberg and the reader 100x150cm-
14 madrid 80x130cm
15 Frühling 140x100cm
19 el semaforo 100x150cm
22 personal spaces III 100x100cm
23 personal spaces I 150x60cm
24 Milchstrasse 150x60cm
26 Heidelberg 130x80cm
28 Grenzen 90x150cm
29 oil on aluminum 100x140cm
30 the silence of the tulpen 90x150cm
mini13 20x20cm
mini85 20x20cm
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